Meeting OAG – AKIS


From AKIS Ghousuddin Me, Mr Ernst BEAUTIFUL Leitner, Rajbahader Singh, Mag Sharif Gholam Habibi, Qasim Noori, Frank Bornemann and From OAG Dr. Friedrich Schwank, Dr. Wolfgang Aichelburg-Rumerskirch, Rafi Ahmadi

On 03.05.2013, a meeting between the Board of OAG (Austria Afghanistan society) and the Board and the members of the AKIS Club (Afghan culture, integration and solidarity) in the Afghan Ziegler Gasse 29, 1070 Vienna took place.

The aim of the meeting was to know each other and possible cooperation.

1st round of introductions:

OAG Board – Dr. Friedrich Schwank first introduced himself personally. He explained after the tasks of bilateral societies. Bilateral companies serve relations between the countries -, diplomacy, business, science and culture at different levels such as in education, in the education sector – to strengthen. In this context, the members of the Austro-Afghan society also strive to sustainable work in the areas mentioned above.

In addition, Dr. Friedrich Schwank gave an overview of the existing aid projects, organized and funded by OAG as kindergarten project „Setara“ in Kabul, Septic Tank Project in Khogiani etc.

Dr. Wolfgang Aichelburg and Rafi Ahmadi have also presented as board members in the round.

AKIS – Board of Directors – Mr. Ghous Uddin I imagined at first and reported on the establishment and activities of the AKIS Club. He also presented the women’s magazine BANU, published in collaboration with women from all over Europe,.

Hr. Mag Schönleitner reported on his activities in the Musikverein for Persian-speaking people from Iran and Afghanistan.

2 Proposals for cooperation:
music event, possibly with Afghan and European artists and instruments. The goal of such events would be:

– To avoid fear of contact

– To finance through the income aid projects in Afghanistan

* Another suggestion was to hold a conference on security in Afghanistan or supporting the Afghan economy. This could possibly be possible in cooperation with the ÖVP. To this end, Mr. Markus Gauster will inquire.

At the end of the meeting, members of the two societies OAG and AKIS have agreed on the following four points:

1 – mutual exchange of information on the organization of events

2 – Link the site of the two companies OAG and AKIS

3 – Use of the AKIS network for OAG projects in Afghanistan

4 – fundraising activities eg

* Events

* To find it for larger projects use the contacts to potential sponsors etc

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